How to use Perl to read the tokenGroups attribute, which contains a list of SID's of all the groups that a user belongs to throughout the Active Directory forest.
This script uses the same search code (shown in the previous post) to find a user by their AD username. Once found, it reads the user's tokenGroups attribute, which is a binary list of SIDs, and converts those SIDs into group names. To see the PowerShell version of this script, see: List Forest-wide Active Directory Group Memberships using PowerShell.
# tokenGroups enumerator # Brian Seltzer - Jan 15 2010
use Win32::OLE;
$dse=Win32::OLE->GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE"); $root=$dse->Get("RootDomainNamingContext"); $adpath="GC://$root"; $base="<".$adpath.">"; $connection = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Connection"); $connection->{Provider} = "ADsDSOObject"; $connection->Open("ADSI Provider"); $command=Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Command"); $command->{ActiveConnection}=$connection; $command->{Properties}->{'Page Size'}=1000; $rs = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.RecordSet");
$rs=$command->Execute; until ($rs->EOF){ $dn=$rs->Fields(0)->{Value}; $rs->MoveNext; }
$obj=Win32::OLE->GetObject("LDAP://$dn"); @proplist=("tokengroups"); $obj->GetInfoEx(\@proplist,0); $tokens=$obj->Get("tokenGroups"); foreach $token (@{$tokens}){ @sidArray=unpack("C*",$token); $sid=""; for ($i=0;$i<=27;$i++){ $sid=$sid.sprintf ("%02x",$sidArray[$i]); } $sid =~ tr /a-z/A-Z/; if($obj=Win32::OLE->GetObject("LDAP://<SID=$sid>")){ @proplist=("canonicalName"); $obj->GetInfoEx(\@proplist,0); $can=$obj->Get("canonicalName"); @nameparts=split /\//,$can; ($domain,$junk)=split /\./,uc($nameparts[0]); $cn=uc($nameparts[$#nameparts]); $groups{$cn}="$domain\\$cn"; $x++; } }
foreach $group (sort keys %groups){ print "$groups{$group}\n"; }
print "\n$x Groups\n";
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