is dedicated to helping administrators and developers solve problems by providing resources for script and tool development, providing free or low cost utilities to make administration easier, and offering an expert view on IT platform design and management.
Like everyone else, we search the Internet for examples when trying to write a piece of code or solve a problem. It's tough trying to sift through all of the useless questions and responses in all those forum posts that come up when you search, hoping to find that one decent example. Our mission is to provide simple working examples and solutions that are easy to use, and easy to find on the web.
We monitor the traffic to our site to understand what visitors are looking for, but the best way to tell us what you want is to send us requests. So, please feel free to contact us to request anything that you'd like to see. We'll do our best to respond as soon as we can.
Brian Seltzer -
Brian Seltzer is a Systems Architect and Tools Developer with over twenty five years experience in the computer industry. The past fourteen years spent supporting Windows servers and Active Directory for big Pharma.