Here are some scripts I've written for OCS. I developed most of the functionality in these scripts to help me deploy new users and migrate pilot users from a standard edition OCS server to an enterprise pool. Feel free to send a request for any other scripts that might be helpful.
Read the msRTCSIP-UserPolicy with PowerShell
List OCS Policies with PowerShell
Read an OCS User's Properties with PowerShell
Read an OCS User's Properties with Perl
Enabling OCS Users
Enable an OCS User with VBScript
Enable an OCS User with Perl
Enable an OCS User with Visual Basic.Net
Working with OCS Meeting Policies
How to set the msRTCSIP-UserPolicy Attribute
How to read the msRTCSIP-UserPolicy Attribute
Read OCS Policies with Perl
Set OCS Policies with Perl
List OCS Users with Perl
List OCS Policies and Pools with VBScript
Enable OCS Archiving with Perl
OCS Scripts Repository